Lack of Stalactites and Stalagmites

Featured Image is of the top of the Clarksville Cave. In the image there are no stalactites visible.

Background of Stalactites and Stalagmites: Stalactites and atalagmites are composed of the minerals dissolved in water (Britanicca). Once the water dissolves the minerals are left and form this incredible formations (Britanicca). They take incredibly long to form (Britanicca). The dominant mineral in the drip water is calcite, also known as calcium carbonate (Britanicca). They also very fragile, which leaves them vulnerable to running water (Britanicca). Lastly, the main difference between them is there location in the cave. Stalactites form on the ceilings of caves, while stalagmites form on the floors of caves (Britanicca).

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This vulnerability is the unfortunate reason our group did not see any stalactites or stalagmites in the cave because of the common scouring taking place in the cave due to water (LSRHS). If there were any in the cave they would have to either very small, because they would be very new, or they would have to be sheltered from the water (LSRHS).